sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011
Puntilla Angelito.Patrón camino de mesa, con esquema. EDITADO.
Hice rápido esta puntillita para una cortinita.
Camino de mesa.
(Usar traductor.)
Gauge: Snowflake measures 5½” x 5½” measured point to point. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.
First Snowflake
Ch 4, join with slip st to form a ring.
Round 1 (right side): Ch 5 (counts as hdc, ch 3), [hdc,ch 3] 5 times in ring; join with slip st in 2nd ch of beginning ch-5—6 ch-3 spaces.
Round 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, (2 sc, ch 5, 2 sc) in next ch-3 space, *sc in next hdc, (2 sc, ch 5, 2 sc) in next ch-3 space; repeat from * around; join with slip st in first sc—6 ch-5 spaces.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, [sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7 (point), sc, ch 5, sc] in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc**, sc in next sc; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at **, join with slip st in first sc—6 ch-7 points. Fasten off.
First Snowflake
Ch 4, join with slip st to form a ring.
Round 1 (right side): Ch 5 (counts as hdc, ch 3), [hdc,ch 3] 5 times in ring; join with slip st in 2nd ch of beginning ch-5—6 ch-3 spaces.
Round 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, (2 sc, ch 5, 2 sc) in next ch-3 space, *sc in next hdc, (2 sc, ch 5, 2 sc) in next ch-3 space; repeat from * around; join with slip st in first sc—6 ch-5 spaces.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, [sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7 (point), sc, ch 5, sc] in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc**, sc in next sc; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at **, join with slip st in first sc—6 ch-7 points. Fasten off.
Second Snowflake (2 points joined)
Rounds 1-2: Repeat rounds 1-2 of first snowflake.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, with wrong sides together, slip st in corresponding ch-7 point on previous snowflake, ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc) in same ch of ch-5 space on current snowflake, ch 3, skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat * once; **ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc***, sc in next sc; repeat from ** around, ending last repeat at ***, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
Rounds 1-2: Repeat rounds 1-2 of first snowflake.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, with wrong sides together, slip st in corresponding ch-7 point on previous snowflake, ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc) in same ch of ch-5 space on current snowflake, ch 3, skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat * once; **ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc***, sc in next sc; repeat from ** around, ending last repeat at ***, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
Third through Twelfth Snowflake
Work 10 more snowflakes same as second snowflake, joining in a strip, skipping 1 point on each side of snowflakes.
Work 10 more snowflakes same as second snowflake, joining in a strip, skipping 1 point on each side of snowflakes.
First Snowflake (3 points joined)
Rounds 1-2: Repeat rounds 1-2 of first snowflake.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, with wrong sides together, slip st in first ch-7 space on top snowflake on center strip to the right of joining, ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc) in same ch of ch-5 space on current snowflake, ch 3, skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat * twice, joining with slip st to junction between 2 snowflakes, then joining to next ch-7 point; **ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc***, sc in next sc; repeat from ** around, ending last repeat at ***, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
First Snowflake (3 points joined)
Rounds 1-2: Repeat rounds 1-2 of first snowflake.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, with wrong sides together, slip st in first ch-7 space on top snowflake on center strip to the right of joining, ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc) in same ch of ch-5 space on current snowflake, ch 3, skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat * twice, joining with slip st to junction between 2 snowflakes, then joining to next ch-7 point; **ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc***, sc in next sc; repeat from ** around, ending last repeat at ***, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
Second Snowflake (4 points joined)
Rounds 1-2: Repeat rounds 1-2 of first snowflake.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, with wrong sides together, slip st in corresponding ch-7 space on previous snowflake on same strip, ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc) in same ch of ch-5 space on current snowflake, ch 3, skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat * 3 times, joining with slip st to next 2 junctions between 2 snowflakes, then joining to next ch-7 point; **ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc***, sc in next sc; repeat from ** around, ending last repeat at ***, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
Rounds 1-2: Repeat rounds 1-2 of first snowflake.
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, with wrong sides together, slip st in corresponding ch-7 space on previous snowflake on same strip, ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc) in same ch of ch-5 space on current snowflake, ch 3, skip next 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat * 3 times, joining with slip st to next 2 junctions between 2 snowflakes, then joining to next ch-7 point; **ch 3, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5, sc) in 3rd ch of next ch-5 space, ch 3, skip next 2 sc***, sc in next sc; repeat from ** around, ending last repeat at ***, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
Third through Eleventh Snowflake
Work 9 more snowflakes same as second snowflake, joining in a strip across side of center strip, following assembly diagram for placement.
Work 9 more snowflakes same as second snowflake, joining in a strip across side of center strip, following assembly diagram for placement.
Make and join 11 more snowflakes joining to center strip same as first side strip, following Assembly Diagram (see link, above) for placement.
Make and join 11 more snowflakes joining to center strip same as first side strip, following Assembly Diagram (see link, above) for placement.
Weave in ends.
Weave in ends.
martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011
Casi últimos trabajos del año 2011
Ultima semana del año 2001 y casi los últimos trabajos express. esta una pollerita, bien fácil y bien simple, la hice reciclando un pantalón y aproveché los bolsillos del costado, termina en gajos y es una idea que ví en el programa utilísima, fue para mi hija Cari.
miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011
Mini florcitas en crochet. Gráfico.
Todavía tengo que mostrarles mi arbolito de Navidad pasa que mis bebés gatitos lo han desarmado bastante, es su juguete preferido, hoy mientras me tomaba unos mates, bajo los rigores de 40 grados o más de calor, me tejí estas mini florcitas en crochet para colgarlas, por supuesto en los colores rojo y verde.
Hoy en el blog de Rosy encontré estos Móbiles de búhos en crochet. muy lindos, ella tiene el enlace del PAP AQUÍ, pasen a verlos.
Les regalo este gráfico de la última revista Bienvenida crochet.
martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011
Tejer con 2 colores en la ronda. Página. Como iniciar su tejido.
Cuando se trabaja con dos colores en la ronda y que quieren llevar a lo largo de las discusiones, entonces ganchillo alrededor de la rosca no está trabajando para llevarlo adelante. El último punto que se hacen con un color, espere a último tirón a través y salir adelante con el color del siguiente punto. Usted puede llevar a lo largo de un color ganchillo alrededor de los puntos de sutura que usted desea, luego cuando llega el momento de cambiar, que sólo lo utilizan en el último tirón a través de y continuar con ese color y no todo el crochet color anterior.
Recuerde - cuando llevando a lo largo de un color o más el tejido se convertirá en mucho más gruesa.
Recuerde - cuando llevando a lo largo de un color o más el tejido se convertirá en mucho más gruesa.
Crochet with 2 colors in the round from Garnstudio Drops design on Vimeo.
Muchas ideas en esta página
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011
Pasen a ver. EDITADO.
Las invito
Un adelanto
Feliz Fin de Semana!!!
Aquí en mi ciudad empiezan las ferias navideñas, así que voy para allá, Después les muestro y les cuento.
lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011
viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011
Estrelllas en la cocina. Otro trabajo en crochet,
Fáciles, lindas, alegres y con diversos colores podemos hacer estos pliegues para decorar tu cocina, y aprovechar restos de lanas.
Les regalo el diagrama o gráfico.
Y como ahora se me dio por tejer cosas en macetas, esto hice, mi hija Cari está haciendo otro.
En detalle, son aplicados sobre esferas de telgopor.
Agradezco a Mares que en el Club de Crochet, pedí gráficos de cactus y miren las ideas que Mares me dejó ACÁ, mil gracias amiga!!!
Ahora estoy tejiendo mas cactus aprovecho y reciclo para macetas los envase de 1/4 de helado.
Feliz fin de Semana!!!!